Why doesn't chrysanthemum bloom? Chrysanthemums in the garden: causes of problems with flowering Why does chrysanthemum not bloom outside


Tell me, why don’t autumn chrysanthemums bloom in my garden? It’s already October and there are no flowers in sight! I really want to enjoy the bright colors before winter arrives!


Expert's answer

Hello, Victoria.

There are several reasons for the lack of flowers in chrysanthemums. For the successful development, growth and flowering of one of the most beautiful autumn plants, it is necessary to comply with a number of agrotechnical techniques and cultivation subtleties. Let us immediately note the fact that in central Russia only varieties of garden chrysanthemum (Ch. X hortorum = Dendranthema i hortorum), united in a species of hybrid origin called “Korean chrysanthemum,” can overwinter. Today there are many varieties of this plant. They are distinguished by late summer and autumn flowering and resistance. According to Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor R.A. Karpisonova, the most promising varieties for our region are:

  • "Malchish-Kibalchish"
  • "Mascot",
  • "Radiant",
  • "Kupava"
  • "Lada"
  • Edelweiss
  • Hebe,
  • Citrus and other low-growing and early-flowering specimens.

Varieties of chrysanthemums that bloom profusely in autumn in our region: photo

Variety Talisman Variety Hebe (Hebe) Variety Radiant Variety Edelweiss Variety Malchish-Kibalchish

Chrysanthemum varieties differ in terms of flowering with a peak in August-September, as well as height (from 25 to 100 cm), size and color of inflorescences. The plant is characterized by the spherical shape of the bush, density and long-lasting abundant flowering. To improve branching, shoots can be pinched (about a month passes between pinching and budding). Faded inflorescences need to be removed - this also prolongs flowering. The earliest low varieties usually bloom in mid-July. For tall varieties, the timing is delayed, but their flowering continues until the first snow.

We advise you to pay special attention to choosing a place to plant the queen of the autumn garden. Chrysanthemums prefer areas exposed to the sun, protected from the wind, with close to neutral, rich soils without waterlogging - with excess moisture, the roots of the plant rot. If the soils on the site are acidic, they need to be limed by adding dolomite flour or lime to the soil. Before planting, apply 10–20 kg of humus per 1 square meter, embedding fertilizers into the soil to a depth of 20–25 cm. Mineral fertilizing is carried out at the beginning of the growing season (complex), and during the period of bud formation, phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is carried out. It is best to replant chrysanthemums in the spring with a large lump of earth. Autumn planting and replanting greatly reduces winter hardiness and the chances of successful overwintering.

It is worth noting that winters with thin snow cover or its temporary absence are very destructive for chrysanthemums. Therefore, gardeners often resort to using shelters made from a layer of fallen leaves (it’s good if they are oak leaves) or spruce branches. Before wintering, the stems are cut to a height of 15–17 cm. The main thing is that the flowers do not rot outside under cover and are ventilated. If a chrysanthemum variety is heat-loving or blooms late, it is better to dig it up, cut it and take it for storage in a dry room with an air temperature of +2 ... + 4. Many gardeners do not leave chrysanthemums to overwinter in the ground, but resort to cuttings. The bush is dug up in the fall and stored in a cool room. At the end of May - beginning of June, the plant is propagated by cuttings, which are planted in a permanent place in the garden. It is these young specimens that bloom long and profusely.

So, we have listed the basic requirements for agricultural technology and growing chrysanthemums. These are the benefits that you can create for your favorite perennials in the garden, thereby increasing the chances of a colorful and long-lasting flower show. But, unfortunately, there is one point that may reduce all your efforts to a minimum - this is the weather factor. Even if you do everything right, surprises from Mother Nature may prevent the buds from forming in time. In this case, even in October you will not see flowers.

The flowering of chrysanthemums very often depends on how favorable the weather conditions were during the growing season. Climatic phenomena directly affect the endurance and winter hardiness of plants. This includes the ability of varieties to withstand severe winter frosts, resistance to early colds, temperature changes, thaws at the end of winter and sharp cold snaps. In plants, the most vulnerable place is the root system. The roots can be severely damaged in years with stagnant waterlogging, as well as in snowless winters, when the lack of snow cover is combined with a sharp cold snap. Remember, this situation happened the winter before last. In many areas, chrysanthemums not only did not bloom, they simply died. This year, climate “cataclysms” continue to amaze us. Late spring and a cold, unsummer-like June with prolonged rains delayed the flowering of many perennial crops. In the Moscow region, peony flowers continued to appear in the first ten days of July, which is not typical for varieties whose peak flowering occurs at the end of June. In 2017, the weather factor shifted the growing season by an average of two weeks, thereby delaying the flowering time of perennial chrysanthemums. Perhaps you did not see the festival of autumn colors precisely for this reason.

To have time to enjoy the wonderful flowers of the autumn queen chrysanthemum at your dacha, try to resort to the method of cutting the mother plant in the spring, and also use the shortest and early flowering varieties on your site. For example, the border variety “Pastoral” is up to 30 cm high and has a caramel pink color. Or Target of foreign selection with contrasting pink inflorescences and a burgundy center. The spectacular “Cherry Orchard” variety, up to 45 cm high, will decorate your site with flowers of a noble cherry hue, and the “Golden Hive”, reminiscent of a honeycomb, will add bright yellow.

This is interesting! You can attend an unforgettable autumn show in Japan, where traditionally on September 9 a holiday-exhibition of chrysanthemums is held. In Tokyo, you can admire fantastic displays at Shinjuku Gehen Park and the Yushima Tenjin Shinto Shrine. In Yokohama this is Sankeien Park. There you can see not only the whole variety of chrysanthemums, but also many realized ideas and fantasies using the same plant, including traditional Japanese flower dolls or skillfully formed chrysanthemum trees with flower tiers, as well as fragments of the Japanese landscape created by for contemplation and beauty.

Description of varieties and types of chrysanthemums, plant care, planting time.

When the first autumn days arrive and almost all plants stop flowering, the time for the reign of chrysanthemums begins. Let's learn more about this beautiful flower

What does a chrysanthemum look like?

The chrysanthemum got its name because of its resemblance to the sun; translated from Greek it sounds like this: “ sun flower", and in Latin it sounds like "golden". This beauty was brought to Europe from the Far East, where it was treated with special respect, considering it the flower of emperors. In the New and Old Worlds, it also became a favorite decoration of the autumn garden.

Chrysanthemum- This is a herbaceous ornamental plant up to 1.5 meters high; it can grow both outdoors and in a pot at home. Inflorescences are small or large baskets of various shades. Propagation is carried out by seeds or cuttings.

Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are many types and forms of chrysanthemums. This plant often becomes a collection item for gardeners.

Varieties and types of chrysanthemums: names, descriptions, photos

There are a great many varieties of chrysanthemums and they are classified according to different parameters. In this article we will focus on the main types of classifications.

By life cycle:

  • Annuals(Flammenstahl, Frosch Mischung, Stern des Orients, Cocarde, Tetra Comet) - they are cold-resistant, can be sown directly into the ground, and are quite unpretentious. They bloom for a very long time, until frost
  • Perennial(Florida, Ch. x koreanum Makai, “Goldball” - are divided into greenhouse varieties, which are intended for cutting, and Korean varieties (usually border varieties), characterized by abundant flowering and good resistance to adverse conditions

Varieties are distinguished according to flowering periods:

  • Early (Handsome, Deliana) – in September
  • Medium (Anastasia Lil, Froggy, Orange) – in October
  • Late (Rivardi, Larisa) - in November

By cold resistance:

  • cold-resistant (Korean chrysanthemum, Susan) - resistant even to the first snow
  • for mild climates (Fantasy) - may not have time to bloom before the first frost, grown in southern latitudes
    It must be said that low, non-double varieties are more resistant to cold. The larger the plant, the less frost-resistant it is.

By inflorescence size:

  • Large-flowered (Anastasia Green, Zembla Lilac, Tom Pierce) - the diameter of the flower cap reaches up to 20-25 cm, has a hemispherical shape, tall stems. Grown for cutting. As a rule, they cannot tolerate wintering outside
  • Medium-flowered (Golden Fleece, Splash of Champagne, Pink Chamomile) - inflorescence up to 8-10 cm, grown in the garden and on balconies

According to the shape of the inflorescence:

  • Simple (Beautiful Lady, Amazon, Andre Rose, Baltic) - the middle of the inflorescence is open, framed by one or two rows of petals. Looks like a big daisy
  • Terry (Zlata Prague, Gazella, Trezor) – numerous rows of petals completely cover the flower center

Video: Chrysanthemums: description and care

Chrysanthemum flower meaning

When it comes to the symbolism of this flower, the basis is, of course, taken from the traditions of the Far East, from where it was brought.

  • in Japan this plant is considered a symbol of the sun, and its image is even present on the imperial seal of the country and foreign passports. Denotes the rapid passage of life and its fragility. In addition, it is a symbol of happiness and long life
  • in China The chrysanthemum is the flower of fidelity, as well as high position and honor. Previously, the image of a flower was present only on imperial robes
  • in Vietnam this plant speaks of purity of thoughts and clarity of mind

In addition, in the East, chrysanthemum is still considered a magical flower that has magical powers:

  • washing with dew, collected from petals, prolongs youth and preserves beauty
  • adding petals to sake gives longevity
  • wiping with a cloth in which the flowers were wrapped at night prevents illness
  • bridal bouquet white color gives the bride a heavenly blessing

Having spread throughout the world and gained popularity, the plant has acquired its own meaning in different countries. Depending on the color, a bouquet of chrysanthemums can mean:

  • white – tenderness, innocence, sincerity
  • yellow – reverent love, trust, nobility
  • red – passion
  • pink - the naivety of youthful love
  • blue - fun and joy

But don't forget that in In some regions of Europe, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of mourning and sorrow. Therefore, you need to be more careful when choosing a bouquet.

Indoor chrysanthemum in a pot: care at home

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, chrysanthemums can delight us both in the garden and in pots on the windows. Low-growing varieties bred specifically for closed ground are suitable for this:

  • mulberry (Chinese) (Chrysanthemum x morifolium)
  • Indian (Chrysanthemum x indicum L.)
  • Korean (Chrysanthemum x koreanum)

Chrysanthemum is a plant that begins to bloom when daylight hours are reduced to 8 - 10 hours. Flowering can occur during the following periods:

  • March, April
  • September - November

Caring for chrysanthemums is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to take into account the main features of these colors, which are:

  • are light-loving. Do not keep the flower in the shade, but remember that direct sunlight is also destructive for chrysanthemums. The western or eastern sides of the apartment are the best place for these plants
  • love Fresh air. If possible, grow chrysanthemums on a balcony or loggia. If they grow in a room, ventilate the room more often
  • prefer coolness. Try not to keep the air temperature too high. Shade your flowers on sunny days
  • moisture-loving, but do not need frequent watering. It is enough to water once every 3-4 days after the top layer of soil has dried, preferably in the evening. But don’t let the soil in the pot dry out either.
  • love spraying. Periodically refresh the flower with a spray bottle. But if you grow it on the balcony in the fall, then do not spray it. Air humidity is sufficient
  • need regular feeding For abundant flowering, feed with fertilizers containing phosphorus. It is also good to use bird droppings for these purposes.
  • timely removal of faded flowers is necessary. To prevent the plant from losing its decorative value, regularly pick off dried inflorescences and stems.
  • require periodic replanting. Replant a young plant once a year, an adult plant once every 2 years. Do this in early spring when the growing season begins

Correct temperature– the key to successful cultivation of indoor chrysanthemum and its abundant flowering. According to gardeners, the following temperatures above zero are considered optimal:

  • autumn – 15-18 °C
  • winter – 0-7 °C
  • spring – 11-17 °C
  • in summer – up to 23 °C

Following these simple rules will certainly delight you with the lush bloom of your favorite “sunny” flowers.

Video: Growing chrysanthemums at home

The chrysanthemum in the pot is withering, what should I do?

You can often hear that potted chrysanthemums begin to fade within a few days after purchase. There may be several reasons:

Carefully observe your plant and try to eliminate the possible cause of its wilting:

  • remove the pot from a central heating radiator or a hot window sill
  • reduce watering
  • transplant the flower into a new post, being careful not to damage the roots
  • treat with special products against pests and diseases

If these actions do not lead to a positive result, do not rush to throw away the chrysanthemum. Trim its stems and send it to a cool, dark place for the winter. Perhaps in the spring it will send out young shoots and will still please you.

The chrysanthemum in the pot has faded, what should I do?

Many people believe that a blooming chrysanthemum in a pot is a “disposable” flower, a kind of bouquet that, after blooming, has forever lost its decorative value. If you properly care for the plant after its inflorescences have withered, it will delight you more than once.

The main thing is that you need to know the basic rules for maintaining chrysanthemums after they have bloomed. First you need to determine where you plan to keep the plant in the future:

  • in open ground
  • at home in a pot

In the first case, everything is simple: in the spring, just transplant your flower into the garden for the summer. If transplanting into open ground is not possible, then organize a hibernation period for your chrysanthemum. This is done like this:

  • After the flowers fade, cut off all stems just above the first kidney, leaving only young shoots up to 10 cm long
  • move the pot to a cool room (basement, loggia, cellar). It is advisable that it is dark there, you can cover it with film or paper
  • ensure the temperature is between 0 and 7°C
  • water very rarely, not allowing the soil to dry out
  • in the spring, when young shoots begin to appear, transplant the flower into new soil
  • pinch the shoots in time to form a beautiful compact bush

Annual chrysanthemum growing from seeds, planting and care

These days, annual chrysanthemums are becoming especially popular. They bloom profusely until late autumn, are decorative and varied. There are practically no difficulties in growing their seeds. Sowing is done using two methods:

Straight to the flowerbed(beginning of flowering - from mid-August):

  • Suitable for almost all types of annual chrysanthemums
  • sowing period - from mid-May
  • dig holes with a distance of about 35 cm between them
  • water
  • throw seeds there (2 pcs.)
  • sprinkle with soil
  • cover with foil for warmth
  • after the shoots appear, remove the film
  • after 7 days, apply fertilizer
  • When the plants are about 7 – 12 cm tall, thin them out

Through growing seedlings(begin to bloom earlier):

  • sowing period – end of February or beginning of March
  • pour drainage into not very deep drawers
  • fill with soil mixture including humus and peat
  • moisten slightly
  • distribute the seeds evenly
  • sprinkle soil on top with a layer of up to 1 cm
  • moisten slightly with water
  • cover with glass or film
  • place in a place where the temperature is not lower than 24 degrees
  • ventilate the drawers periodically
  • after 10 - 14 days, remove the film
  • place the boxes in a bright place
  • when 4 - 6 leaves appear, thin out
  • plant it in a flowerbed in May

Remember that annual chrysanthemums love bright places, loamy soil and timely fertilizing.

Video: Propagation of chrysanthemums

Perennial garden chrysanthemum: when to plant in open ground in spring, when to replant?

Growing perennial varieties of chrysanthemums has its own characteristics, taking into account which guarantees abundant and spectacular flowering. Young plants should be planted as follows:

  • it is preferable to plant in the garden through seedlings
  • planting period - late May or early June, when the likelihood of night frosts has passed
  • choose a sunny, preferably elevated place for planting
  • dig holes 25 cm apart from each other in a checkerboard pattern so that the plants equally receive the light of the sun and do not darken each other
  • At the bottom of the hole, place sand drainage, peat with lime, humus
  • pour water
  • place the seedlings, deepening the root collar no more than 2 cm
  • sprinkle with earth
  • water
  • if the seedlings are tall, tie them to stakes
  • mulch on top with pine needles or leaf mixture
  • After 2 weeks, do the first feeding

A perennial chrysanthemum can live in one place for no more than 5 years. Then its flowers become smaller, and the plant loses its decorative value. Therefore, it is advisable to replant this flower every three years in May.

How to root and propagate a chrysanthemum using cuttings from a bouquet at home?

How often, having received a gorgeous bouquet of chrysanthemums as a gift, we regret parting with it after it has faded. It turns out that you can grow the flowers you like from a bouquet. And it’s not difficult to do this at all:

  • wait until the flower fades
  • clear the stem of leaves and inflorescences
  • cut off the top
  • put in fresh water
  • After the roots appear, plant the cuttings in neutral or slightly acidic soil (either in a pot or in open ground) to a depth of no more than 5 cm
  • take care as usual

The method of growing favorite varieties from donated bouquets has long been known to gardeners and is popular when growing chrysanthemums.

Dividing a chrysanthemum bush

Gardeners recommend periodically dividing large bushes. This should be done when the plant is 3 years old. In addition, dividing the bush is one of the ways to propagate perennial chrysanthemums. This is done like this:

  • dig up the bush and shake off excess soil
  • remove old woody stems
  • separate the young shoots
  • trim them if they are too long
  • plant them in different holes at a distance 25 cm apart

The process can be carried out either in the spring after the threat of frost has passed, or in August. In this case, take care of proper wintering of the plant.

How to pinch a chrysanthemum?

In order for the chrysanthemum to form a beautiful dense bush and bloom luxuriantly, it is necessary to carry out regular pruning and pinching of shoots. This applies to both garden and potted species. Things to consider:

  • Make the first pinch when the central stem grows to 10 cm
  • second - when the side shoots reach 10 cm
  • Carry out subsequent pinchings taking into account the characteristics of the type and shape of the plant
  • the last one - 2-2.5 months before flowering
  • remove young shoots in time so that before flowering there are no more than 5 - 6 stems left in the rosette

Number of pinches chrysanthemum depends depending on flowering time:

  • early varieties - one or two
  • middle and late varieties – from 3 times

In addition, for intense and lush flowering:

  • to get a large flower, remove the side buds as soon as they appear
  • in small-flowered varieties, to stimulate flowering of side shoots, remove the central bud
  • Remove spent buds regularly to prolong flowering

How to feed chrysanthemums in spring?

To successfully grow chrysanthemums, it is necessary to fertilize the plants on time. Feeding plants in spring is the main condition for the development of flowers. It needs to be done correctly:

  • first fertilize with additives containing nitrogen in order for the plant to increase green mass. A lack of nitrogen will cause the leaves to lose their green color and the stems to be weak
  • after the active growing season and the formation of an adult bush, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

In addition, keep in mind that different types of chrysanthemums require different ratios of nutrients:

  • More suitable for small flowers potassium-nitrogen composition with a high potassium content in the early growth period
  • for large-flowered tall ones during this period you need more nitrogen so that the stems grow powerful and strong
  • phosphorus necessary for all varieties, because it is it that ensures abundant and bright flowering

Frequency of application – once a week. And if the soil is poor, then once every 4 days. Do not forget about the main rule of gardeners - it is better to underfeed a plant than to overfeed it.

Caring for chrysanthemums in autumn, preparing for winter

Preparation of chrysanthemums for wintering depends on cold resistance and the place where it will spend the winter:
In room(recommended if your region experiences severe frosts or the plants are intended to be grown in mild climates):

  • after the first frost, dig up the bush along with a lump of earth
  • plant the plant in a container of suitable size or even a thick bag
  • sprinkle with moist soil
  • place the flower in the basement or cellar, where it will be cool, but the temperature does not drop below zero
  • water no more than twice a month

In the open ground(only suitable for frost-resistant chrysanthemums):

  • Hill up around the bush in such a way that there are no depressions in which sediment can accumulate
  • Place boards on the sides of the plant on which you can place covering material. This will provide simultaneous ventilation and protection from rain and snow.
  • after the onset of the first frosts, cover the top with leaves, branches, spruce branches

Regardless of where your plant will winter, be sure to follow these steps before going on vacation:

  • Inspect plants regularly for diseases or pests. Only healthy and strong flowers can survive winter successfully.
  • at the beginning of September, feed the chrysanthemums one last time with fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. Do not apply nitrogen under any circumstances. This can lead to the growth of green mass and further death of the plant.
  • in the first half of November, before frost, cut the stems, leaving about 10 cm from the roots

Proper preparation for the dormant period will allow flowers to delight your garden for many years.

Video: Storing chrysanthemums in cold weather

Chrysanthemum diseases

Like any ornamental plant, chrysanthemums can be susceptible to diseases, which are divided into:

Viral infections, the source of which may be infected planting material or insects:

  • ring spot– yellow spots appear on the leaves, leaves become limp
  • dwarfism– growth is delayed, flowers become small
  • seedlessness - inflorescences are deformed, losing their shade
  • mosaic – mosaic stains appear on the leaves

Unfortunately, in these cases it is impossible to save the plants; they are simply destroyed.

Fungal infections, the source of which, as a rule, is excessive moisture due to frequent watering or heavy rain:

  • verticillium wilt– the leaves below turn yellow and the stem withers
  • powdery mildew– the plant is completely covered with a white coating
  • rust– red spots form, leaves turn yellow
  • gray rot– the plants become covered with a gray coating and begin to rot
  • septoria– characterized by the appearance of yellowish spots

Various drugs are used for treatment (colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture).

Don’t forget that disease in flowers is easier to prevent:

  • provide moderate watering
  • do not thicken the plantings
  • carry out autumn digging of flower beds
  • remove plant debris
  • destroy diseased plants in a timely manner

Why don't chrysanthemums bloom in the garden?

Chrysanthemums are grown for their showy, vibrant flowers. And it is very disappointing if the plant does not flower or occurs late. There may be several reasons:

  • lack of light, chrysanthemums bloom well only in open sunny areas
  • After wintering, the bush was taken out late for germination. This needs to be done in early March.
  • the mother plant does not rejuvenate in time. Before planting the bush in the ground, be sure to thin it out.
  • irregular feeding - do not forget to apply fertilizers in a timely manner during the period of active growth of green mass, budding, flowering
  • drying out of the soil - the soil around the plant should always be slightly moist
  • late varieties, The flowering period of which occurs in November or December. It happens that the plant simply does not have time to cover itself with flowers before the arrival of severe frosts.

How to remove thrips and aphids from chrysanthemums?

Thrips and aphids are pests, which can affect plants, including chrysanthemum. The flowers then lose their decorative effect, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. These insects can be controlled using special chemicals.

For home use:

  • "Fitoverm"
  • "Aktellik"

For greenhouses or garden:

  • "Vertimek"
  • "Agravertine"
  • "Spark"
  • "Aktara"

Treat affected plants 2-3 times every 7-8 days to get rid of hatched insects. In addition, wipe the leaves with soapy water.

You can also use traditional methods:

  • fill half the container with marigold stems, add water and leave for two days
  • Fill the blooming celandine with water and leave for a day
  • Pour boiling water (1 l) over citrus peel (200 g). Leave for 3 days
  • dilute some flea shampoo in water
  • make an infusion of tobacco and water
  • Place pelargonium next to the chrysanthemum. It is believed to repel insects

If none of the above remedies helps, unfortunately, you need to get rid of the flower to avoid infecting other plants.

Video: Growing chrysanthemums in the garden

Indoor chrysanthemum flowers differ from their garden relatives in their small size. This is explained by the peculiarities of cultivation. Indoor chrysanthemum is grown in a greenhouse. There it is treated with various substances that slow down growth. Thanks to this, a compact bush is formed.

Sometimes flower lovers purchase a cutting to grow a houseplant chrysanthemum, but end up with a large bush. This can be explained by ignorance of specific growing conditions. Let's look at the features choice chrysanthemums.

First, the plant is carefully examined. It should be dense and strong, with well-developed leaves. Under no circumstances should there be any insects crawling on the trunk, leaves or ground.

After purchase and delivery home, indoor chrysanthemum flowers are left separately from other plants. In a couple of days of quarantine, the plant will be able to adapt to new conditions. In them, the purchased plant weakens somewhat, and its resistance to diseases decreases. Therefore, quarantine protects not only old-timers from disease, but also newcomers.

What to consider when caring for chrysanthemums?

Before purchasing a plant, you should find out how to care for indoor chrysanthemum. This plant loves short daylight hours, about eight hours, and coolness. So that it preserves the inflorescences well temperature It is undesirable to raise it above 15 degrees. 18 degrees is an acceptable temperature, but it is the maximum.

If it is warmer, there is a high probability that flowering will end quickly, the leaves will turn yellow, and the unopened buds will dry out. High temperature has a greater effect on plants that have not yet had time to adapt.

Do not think that a plant with short daylight hours is shade-tolerant. On the contrary, chrysanthemum requires bright light, but it must be protected directly from the sun.

If an indoor chrysanthemum grows in the house, it requires traditional care. Since she is moisture-loving, then water should be done without waiting for the soil to dry out too much. Periodically it is necessary spray bush from above. During flowering, the plant is fed with a special complex fertilizer.

Includes care for indoor chrysanthemums and transplant. If the plant is young, then it is transplanted into a new container annually. If it is already an adult, then the transplant is carried out at intervals of a year. You can take any soil, but not acidic. Ordinary garden soil would be a suitable option. A certain amount of humus with peat is added to it. These components increase the looseness of the soil and its fertility.

Indoor chrysanthemum flowers: care at home. Photo

Reproduce These flowers are grown in several ways: by seeds, cuttings and dividing the parent bush. The simplest is vegetative propagation, i.e. the last two options. When cuttings in one pot, it is better to plant at least three and no more than five cuttings.

After flowering is completed, the above-ground part trimmed. After this, the pot with the chrysanthemum is placed where the temperature is maintained in the range from two degrees of heat to three degrees of frost.

After wintering, with the arrival of spring days, the plant begins to produce shoots again. It's better at this time transplant into fresh soil. If the flower is already an adult, then this requirement is not necessary for it. When the bush has grown well, cuttings can be taken from it for propagation.

Tricks and secrets for growing beautiful chrysanthemums

In order for the bush to form lush, special care for home chrysanthemums is required. Plant pinching And trimmed in the process of its active growth. If this is not done, the stems will stretch out and the bush will lose its compactness and attractiveness.

To increase the flowering time, you need to monitor the plant immediately take away faded inflorescences and fading leaves. When it’s already warm outside in the spring, indoor chrysanthemums should be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden.

How to care for indoor chrysanthemum. Photo

You can also use a home flower disembark into the ground. There the chrysanthemum can remain until the cold weather, and then it should be planted in a pot again with a lump of earth. This procedure has a positive effect on the plant, makes it stronger and ensures better flowering.

Garden chrysanthemums can also be dug up and replanted in pots for the winter. In this case, they will delight you with their flowers for a long time.

Diseases of chrysanthemums growing at home

Very often chrysanthemum is affected powdery mildew. A gray coating appears on the leaves and peduncles. Powdery mildew appears when air humidity is excessively high. In this case, caring for indoor chrysanthemums includes treating the plants fungicidal means.

If gray-ashy plaques with a fluffy surface appear on the bush, these are symptoms gray rot. The leaves turn brown at the edges. Brown spots appear on them. To get rid of this problem, the bush is sprayed foundationazole and move to a well-ventilated and lit place.

When the air is too dry, red appears on the flower. spider mite.

A common disease of chrysanthemums is septoria. It is characterized by the appearance of brown spots that have a yellow border. To cure the plant, you need to reduce watering and eliminate spraying for a while. The bush needs to be processed foundationazole.

Indoor chrysanthemum: autumn care

In autumn, caring for indoor chrysanthemums should include feeding and treatment for insects. First, the processing is carried out insecticide with organophosphorus composition. It is performed three times, taking breaks for four days.

When the plant is processed, you can directly feed it. It should include phosphorus And potassium. Feed chrysanthemums every ten days in the fall. It is not necessary to water too often. It is enough to do this after the top layer of soil has dried, about two centimeters.

At the end of September it is carried out transshipment plants. To do this, they are taken out together with a lump of earth, from which the ground is lightly shaken. The ends of the roots should be slightly exposed. The procedure should be performed carefully so as not to break the earthen lump. After this, the plants are planted in pots with drainage placed on the bottom.

It is very important to carefully inspect plants, since the development of diseases and pest attacks is possible. If spider mites or aphids appear on the chrysanthemum, the bushes can be treated with a mixture of soapy water and pyrethrum. Add 200 grams of pyrethrum to a bucket of soapy water and leave the mixture for twelve hours. You can use ready-made acaricidal and insecticidal preparations.

Indoor chrysanthemum actively blooms from October. The flowering process can continue until mid-January if faded flowers are removed in a timely manner and optimal conditions are created for the plant.

After completing the first stage of flowering, the chrysanthemum requires rest. To do this, put it in a cool and dark place. Convenient to use basement. In it, the flower will gain strength for the next stage. The main thing is not to forget to water it so that the soil does not dry out too much.

In February, indoor chrysanthemum may bloom again. At the same time, new shoots from the roots begin to grow.

This type of care for indoor chrysanthemums allows you to grow healthy, strong and lush flowering bushes.

Chrysanthemum does not bloom: reasons

Chrysanthemums bloom in autumn. Moreover, all plants should bloom. The answer to the question why chrysanthemum does not bloom is quite simple: improper care. The most common mistakes in care are the following:

  • improper lighting, i.e. too long or short daylight hours, strong shade;
  • late pinching;
  • the soil is too poor in nutrients, lack of fertilizing, especially potassium and phosphorus.

In order for the chrysanthemum to bloom, it is necessary to identify errors and eliminate them. If you create optimal conditions for this plant, it will definitely bloom.

How to care for indoor chrysanthemum. Video

- a beautiful autumn flower that can be grown both in the garden and indoors. But sometimes chrysanthemums growing in the garden do not bloom. Why does this happen, and what to do in this case? Listen to the advice of flower growers.

Correct selection of variety

If the chrysanthemums in your garden are not blooming, perhaps their time has not yet come. Chrysanthemums of different varieties bloom at different times, so that the timing of their flowering does not coincide with the onset of winter; take this factor into account when choosing a variety.

Early varieties bloom in July-August, flowering continues until October. These varieties take 1.5-2 months from the formation of buds to flowering.

Medium-flowering varieties of chrysanthemums bloom from October to November. It takes them up to 2.5 months to form buds. Chrysanthemums of late varieties begin to bloom from November to December.

Sometimes the flowering of late varieties of chrysanthemums can be accelerated artificially. What should you do for this? To begin with, reduce daylight hours starting in August. At 5-6 pm, cover the bushes with any dark and dense material - dark agrofibre or dark paper, and remove them in the morning.

You can cover the plants for 3-4 hours in the morning - before sunrise. The main thing is that in this way the daylight hours will be reduced, which is necessary for the establishment and accelerated development of inflorescences.

What to do to protect chrysanthemums in the garden from frost? Of course, to arrange a greenhouse for them - for this you need to install frames and cover them with greenhouse film. Additionally, the greenhouse can be covered with agrofibre.

With the onset of cold weather, the chrysanthemum with buds can be transplanted into a pot and grown as a houseplant. Let it bloom at home at the time determined by nature.

When choosing a variety suitable for growing in the garden, you should take into account that chrysanthemums with small flowers bloom earlier than large-flowered varieties.

Agricultural technology

In order for chrysanthemums to really delight with their flowering, not to get sick and to develop well, they need good lighting. In dimly lit places, the chrysanthemum begins to stretch upward, becomes sluggish and incapable of flowering. To plant flowers, choose the brightest and warmest place in the garden so that other plants and buildings do not shade them throughout the day.

Chrysanthemum is considered a flower of short daylight hours; its buds set and actively grow at a time when the days are longer than the nights. When this balance changes in favor of night and daylight hours decrease, buds begin to form and bloom faster.

It is necessary to germinate and cut chrysanthemums in early spring. To wait for abundant flowering, the mother chrysanthemum must be removed from storage in early March. You cannot plant the entire chrysanthemum bush in the soil; the flower is propagated by cuttings.

3 weeks before spring cuttings, the mother plant is taken out of storage to a bright but cool place, with a temperature within +15 degrees. Soon the shoots will begin to grow, when they reach 5-7 cm, they need to be cut off and planted in separate containers.

Sometimes shoots with roots form on the mother bush; they need to be separated and planted in another container, as an independent plant.

For rooting chrysanthemums, the soil mixture is prepared from turf soil, humus and sand, taken in proportions 2x2x1. The cuttings should be covered with a transparent film and opened for ventilation and moisture for several hours a day. To speed up the rooting of cuttings, they are provided with additional lighting and heating of the containers from below.

Every 10 days, the cuttings should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers diluted in water, according to the instructions - 2 tbsp. spoons into a bucket of water. Adult chrysanthemums also need to be fed throughout the flowering period.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground in the last ten days of May, with a distance of 40-50 cm. When the bush in the garden gains green mass, the soil is fertilized with nitrogenous fertilizers; for this you can make a solution of bird droppings (1x20) or a solution of mullein (1x10). Urea is dissolved in water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per bucket of water.

During the formation of buds, the plant needs potassium-phosphorus fertilizers - superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

The soil of chrysanthemums should always be moist, especially in dry, hot weather. Why is this so important for the plant? Without water, the stems and leaves become sluggish, their elasticity decreases, the plant loses its ability to bloom and resist diseases and pests. In summer, chrysanthemums in the garden need to be watered every day, and sometimes twice a day.

To properly form a bush, chrysanthemums need to be pinched and removed in time. At the end of spring - beginning of summer, a so-called zero bud appears on the bush; if it is removed, the bush will begin to bloom in September, and if left - in August.

After the young bushes are planted in open ground, they are accepted and begin to grow; their tops need to be pinched so that side shoots with buds are formed.

Sometimes the chrysanthemum bush turns out to be lush, with a large number of buds that never open. Why is this happening? If many shoots grow from below the bush, all its strength is spent on their development, and the chrysanthemum does not bloom. To avoid this, it is enough to leave the three strongest shoots and remove the rest.

The whims of an indoor flower

Chrysanthemums grow and bloom well at home; they can be grown as an indoor flower. The main thing is to create the proper conditions for them.

These flowers do not require additional heating and high temperature; they prefer coolness and a lot of fresh air. With the onset of spring, they can be taken out to the balcony or outside, and taken home only if there is a threat of frost.

In the room, it is better to place the chrysanthemum pot on the window on the east side so that the air temperature is within 15 degrees Celsius. At temperatures of 25 degrees and above, the plant blooms poorly, and the buds disappear without blooming.

And at home, chrysanthemums need to artificially reduce daylight hours by shading them in any suitable way.

Sometimes indoor chrysanthemums do not bloom because they were planted in a pot that is too spacious. In a large container, their root system and greenery develop well, but there are no nutrients left for flowering. The chrysanthemum tries to “escape” from a cramped pot - it stretches upward and begins to bloom.

There is hardly a person who has not heard of chrysanthemum. She is quite popular. Like some representatives of garden flowers, such as roses, chrysanthemums can be grown both in the garden and at home, as a houseplant. In the form of a potted flower, it has many varieties. Chrysanthemum is fully adapted to life at home. This is exactly what I would like to talk about.

Buying chrysanthemums

Homemade chrysanthemum is quite small in size. This is due to the fact that it is grown artificially in greenhouses, where its growth is stopped with the help of special preparations to give it a decorative appearance.

Some encountered the fact that when they bought a cutting and tried to grow a homemade chrysanthemum, they received a flower of overall dimensions comparable to a garden one. This is precisely due to ignorance of how to grow such an ornamental plant. Let's figure out how to choose a chrysanthemum when purchasing.

First of all, you need to carefully examine it, make sure that the plant is strong, dense, the leaves are well developed, and insects are not crawling along the trunk. Like any plant, a chrysanthemum, when brought home, should be quarantined for a couple of days. This will help her adapt to your home environment. Do not become infected from other plants and do not affect the development of your already established flowers.

Indoor chrysanthemum - care at home


Chrysanthemum prefers cool temperatures and short sunny days. The ideal temperature for better preservation of the inflorescence is 15 degrees. Acceptable, but the maximum is 18 degrees.

If the temperature is higher, the leaves will often turn yellow, the buds will dry out, and the flowering period will quickly end. Plants that have recently been purchased and have not yet taken root are more susceptible to such negative consequences of rising temperatures.

Despite the fact that chrysanthemum needs a short daylight hours, about 8 hours, it is a light-loving plant. Therefore, you should not hide it in the shadows. But also protect it from direct sunlight.

Air humidity

Chrysanthemum loves moisture, so do not allow the soil, and therefore the root system, to dry out. Maintain constant moisture. Spray it from above occasionally. During flowering, it should be fertilized with special food for flowering plants.


Like any other plant, chrysanthemums should be replanted according to the traditional scheme. If the flower is still young, then once a year, if mature, then every other year. In principle, there are no special preferences for the soil, the main thing is that it is acidic. You can use regular garden soil, but to make it softer and looser, add peat and humus to it.

Chrysanthemum propagation

Chrysanthemums are propagated in various ways. This can be cuttings, dividing a bush, or seeds. The simplest and most unpretentious are the first two. When planting, it is better to place three to five cuttings in one pot.

The easiest way to propagate a plant is by dividing the bush. This method can be started during the growing season. One bush after wintering produces about 6 young shoots. They are planted in pots with fertile soil and watered abundantly. The chrysanthemum will bloom in the year of planting.

Propagation by cuttings will take longer. Cuttings 10 cm long are suitable for this purpose. They are rooted in light soil. The cuttings are planted at a depth of 1.5 cm and covered with film or glass. You should not forget to ventilate them regularly, maintaining a constant temperature within 20 degrees. Approximately 5-6 rooted cuttings are planted in a pot. When they reach a size of 15 cm, they must be pinched to properly form the bush.

How to care for chrysanthemum after flowering

After the chrysanthemum blooms, it should be pruned and wintered at a low temperature of +2 to –3 degrees. Where can I find such a place? It's simple - a regular cellar may be suitable for this.

With the arrival of spring, when the chrysanthemum begins to sprout, it must be transplanted into fresh soil. If the flower is no longer young, then this is not a mandatory requirement, but a desirable one. When the plant is well developed, you can collect cuttings from it for subsequent propagation.

Trimming and pinching

In order for your chrysanthemum to be lush, it must be trimmed and pinched. This is done during the entire period of active growth. If you neglect this and prune only in the spring, then you will get a flower on an elongated stem, lack of splendor and an unattractive appearance.

If you want the plant to bloom longer, you need to remove the yellowed leaves and cut off the inflorescences that have already become obsolete. When it becomes very warm outside, it is recommended to take the chrysanthemum out into the fresh air.

In addition, you can plant a flower in garden soil and leave it there to grow until cold weather sets in, then transplant it back into a pot with a lump of the soil in which it grew. This is what flower growers do with. The same procedure has a beneficial effect on chrysanthemum.

If desired, you can transplant the garden chrysanthemum into a pot for the winter so that during the cold weather it will delight you with its flowering at home.